Beyond the sensational title, a 17 year old boy in Massachusetts could lend itself to medical care because of a heart problem, found thanks to the use of heart rate monitor built into Apple Watch .
Paul Houle, a 17 year old boy who loves to play football, some time ago bought an Apple Watch before starting pre-season training at Tabor Academy, Mass. After two training sessions on the same day, by measuring heart rate built into the device, he noticed that the heartbeats do not down to below 145 beats per minute, even several hours after the workout.

Without being aware of it, his health was seriously endangered.


” It was the first day of pre-season training – said Houle – and were scheduled two sessions, one from 10 to 12 and the other from 15 to 17. During the second session I started to have trouble breathing and felt a nagging back pain which I later discovered was due to a kidney problem . ”


The coach of Houle verified measurement of beats and decided to accompany the young soccer player in the infirmary of the college. There, after several measurements, the doctors decided to transfer Houle in hospital where doctors, after tests, they found seventeen to the rhabdomyolysis .


” At the hospital the doctors warned me of the danger I was running: I was back to training the next day, I would have risked a severe muscle damage that could even cause death. I can only be grateful to the monitoring function of heartbeats integrated into the device . ”


The story of Houle is the only one where a device Apple is leading in saving a life. Last month a man from Tennessee was trapped under his car and managed to escape thanks to Siri, the voice assistant managing to activate iPhone in his pocket and doing dial and call the emergency number.

As said earlier, Apple Watch or iPhone or any other device are only a means, the great merit of having saved the life of a person goes to hospital doctors, paramedics, nurses or operators of the number of emergencies but it is still nice to know that the technology has reached such high levels that can help you survive in an emergency situation.

Source | Cultofmac

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