
Apple and Android buddies try to get on each one about which smart device is the best, this usually leads to hot argument. Though there is no clear justification about which device is best, all is about user experience on the platform.

Thankfully, to our knowledge none of these digital altercations has ever resulted in physical violence of any sort. The same cannot be said for two roommates who share an apartment in Tulsa, Oklahoma and who were hospitalized Friday morning after stabbing one another during an argument over whether iOS or Android is better.

”Two roommates are hospitalized after an alcohol-fueled argument began over which phone is better: iPhone or Android.

Tulsa police say a woman found a man covered in blood, stumbling around the parking lot of the Evergreen Apartments around 1 a.m.

When police got to the apartment complex, they learned that the roommates had been drinking and arguing over their mobile phones.

Police say the two men broke beer bottles and stabbed each other with them. One of the men smashed a bottle over the back of the other man’s head.

Police aren’t sure who they will charge or if charges will be filed at this time. Both men are being treated at an area hospital for their injuries.

Police did not respond when our photographer asked which phone is better.”






Source: ktul

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