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Last week we heard rumours circulating online that the iPhone 6s was going to be released Spring 2015, so the flagship could accompany the Apple Watch on release.

While it hardly seemed likely that Apple would release the iPhone 6s and iPhone 7 in one year, it worried some as the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus haven’t been around for long.

Fortunately this probably won’t be the case after all. A UDN article picked up by GforGames says the iPhone 6s won’t see the light of day anytime soon.

This is reportedly because Apple won’t be able to get all the components ready, as the Apple Watch is currently the primary focus of the supply chain.

We also know that Samsung has only just started producing Apple’s A9 chip. With everything going on, it leaves Cupertino little time to cook up some brand new features for the S successor.

If we were betting folks, we’d put money on Apple opting for the same end-of-year slot that it’s always used to release its flagship devices.

This is positive news across the board, as rolling out a new handset just six months since the iPhone 6 launch would infuriate owners around the world.

In other Apple news, some of you may recall reports that the Apple Watch’s production had suffered a setback, and that it would enter production at a later date and debut in limited numbers.

Well according to reports the Apple Watch is back on track and actually ahead of schedule, with mass production tipped to kick off in January.

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