Apple has updated its homepage to include a new microsite officially welcoming the Beats Electronics and Beats Music team to the company. The new site marks the first official mention on of the Beats acquisition since the initial press release describing the deal.
”Welcome to the family. Today we are excited to officially welcome Beats Music and Beats Electronics to the Apple family. Music has always held a special place in our hearts, and we’re thrilled to join forces with a group of people who love it as much as we do. Beats cofounders Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre have created beautiful products that have helped millions of people deepen their connection to music. We’re delighted to be working with the team to elevate that experience even further. And we can’t wait to hear what’s next.”
The site features a silhouettes view of Beats headphones in the background, one of the marquee products of the company acquired by Apple, and the site contains a link to the newly refreshed (after a few days of downtime).
Featured at the new Beats site is a message also describing the headphones and music company’s move to Apple. The message explains the importance of Apple’s role in music with each of its key products including the Mac, iPod, and iPad.
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