The variants of COVID-19 scare and the Cupertino company has decided to proceed with greater caution.

Initially scheduled for October, after the decision made just a month ago, Apple has postponed the return of its employees to the offices . Regular activities should “only” resume during the first part of next year.

The news was reported by Bloomberg , according to which the Cupertino company has sent a new memo to its employees to confirm the postponement of the return to the offices , probably in January 2022 . The provision, as expected, concerns the increase in COVID-19 cases in the United States of America (and beyond).

The tech giant also temporarily closed the doors of its store in the city of Charleston , South Carolina, after 20 staff members tested positive for or were exposed to the Coronavirus.

The variants of COVID-19 (like Delta), despite the vaccination campaign, are sources of concern. For this reason, Apple, like other companies, has chosen to postpone the return to the offices of its employees.

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